Yesterday I found a cache of images in the public domain on Wikipedia and hope to incorporate some in a few projects milling around in my head. Meanwhile, for those who, like me, are cash strapped but taste-expansive, why not click on some of these images & links -- enjoy the view!
Fashion Plates |
University of Washington Digital Library Collection: Fashion Plates
Koshka the Cat: Fashion Plates
Wikipedia: History of Western Fashion
Godey's Ladies' Book
I'm always on the lookout for historical images that are no longer copyrighted that I can use on my blogs and in my video book trailers. If you know of any great sites, please point me to them. Great images, by the way.
I never buy fashion plates, I think it only encourages people to rip them out of their books. You could use the internet and make a facsimile printing of one and display it in your home. Framing and displaying originals eventually ruins them anyway.
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